Friday, July 15, 2011

Irish Soda Bread

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Please don't hate me for not visiting your blog, okay?

I am so frustrated with no laptop and no phone! But the worst thing about this is my backache. Ever since I started using my husband's computer and his chair, my back has been killing me! And it's only getting worse. So not only am I not able to visit your blogs regularly, I am not able to post regularly either. I need to cut down on computer time until I get my laptop back. So, I am really, really sorry for not visiting you!

I had this post done a while ago, and never had pictures. So today after I fixed this bread for dinner, I decided to take some pictures. Unfortunately, the sun was already on its way down, and these pictures were taken in really low light. I'm sorry for the low quality!
I am apologizing a lot in this post. I'm sorry about that!

Anyhoo, the pictures may be poor, but the bread wasn't! It was a really tasty, delicious smelling bread. I started off with Ina Garten's recipe for Irish Soda bread, and made some changes to it, after reading some reviews and some other recipes. This really worked well for me, and it was very easy & quick too! Loved it!
Irish Soda Bread
Adapted from Ina Garten
500g (4 cups) all purpose flour
3 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
4 tbsp butter, cold & diced
430ml (1 3/4 cup) buttermilk, cold
1 large egg
Oatmeal for sprinkling (optional)

1. Lightly grease a baking tray, or cover with parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 400.
2. Combine the flour, sugar, salt, soda and baking powder in the mixer bowl. Stir until combined.
3. Add the butter and combine with the mixer on low until the butter is mixed into the flour mixture.
4. In a small bowl, beat the egg and buttermilk together.
5. With the mixer running on low, slowly pour the buttermilk mixture into the flour mixture.
6. Once combined, stop mixing. Do not over-mix. The dough will be wet, and lumpy. That's just fine.
7. Transfer onto a very well-floured work surface. Knead a few times, and form into a round loaf.
8. Transfer to the baking sheet. Score the top of the bread to form a cross, using a serrated knife.
9. If desired, sprinkle the top with oatmeal.
10. Bake for about 45 minutes until the loaf is golden brown, and the base of the loaf sounds hollow when knocked.
11. Transfer to a cooling rack to cool completely.

I love the texture of this bread. It is sort of in between a bread and cake. Soft, yet with a bite to it. I especially love the crust! Chewy, yet flaky at the same time. And just plain delicious! Everyone enjoyed this bread, and when I asked my husband if he thought I should make this bread again, he said 'yes'. And let me tell you - that's mighty high approval!

I think my time at the computer is almost through. My back's signalling me now.

I feel old. Sigh.

I need some comfort food.

I pray that the next time I post, it will be from my laptop, with me sitting in my comfortable spot. And my backache will have vanished.

But for now, I have bread.
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